主演:萨尔瓦多·阿布鲁齐斯 Simone Sacchettino Salva
语言:那不勒斯语 / 意大
简介:本片讲述了意大利黑手党格莫拉的5个故事:13岁男童托托(萨尔瓦多•阿布鲁兹Salvatore Abruzzese 饰)近墨者黑,逐渐堕落;马可(马可•马克尔 Marco Macor 饰)和希罗(希罗•帕冲Ciro Petrone 饰)一心想称霸,结果横尸街头;因为丈夫涉黑,妻子玛利亚(玛利亚•纳棕娜丽 Maria Nazionale 饰)锒铛入狱,她把孩子托付给帮派同伙弗兰克(托尼•瑟维洛 Toni Servillo 饰);黑帮老会计唐•希洛(吉安法利斯•因巴拉多Gianfelice Imparato 饰),因出卖朋友,命丧黄泉;黑帮纺织厂的裁缝帕里跨斯(萨尔瓦多•坎德鲁普Salvatore Cantalupo 饰)因给华人上课而引火烧身……
主演:户田惠梨香 加濑亮 神木隆之介 福田沙纪 城田优 徳井優 大森晓美
简介:2009年,当麻纱绫(户田惠梨香 饰)和濑文焚流(加濑亮 饰)相识的前一年。在美国FBI学成归来的当麻被分在警视厅公安部公安第五课未详事件特别对策系,接受组长野野村光太郎的直接领导。此前不久,某大型石油企业高管接连被人杀害,死者的心脏无一例外都留下被人用手捏过的痕迹。显而易见,这一系列事件和所谓的SPEC持有者有着极为密切的联系。与此同时,石油企业高管Diablo(大杉涟 饰)高薪聘请神秘SPEC持有者一十一(神木隆之介 饰),企图阻挡神秘的SPEC杀手。一十一,这个日后与当麻和濑文有着不解渊源的难缠敌手将当麻视作杀害父母的爆弹女,之后更斩杀了当麻在美国结识的好友Nancy。
主演:Ivan Rassimov Me Me Lai Pratitsak S
语言:意大利语 / Bur
简介:A photographer accidentally kills a man in self-defense and while retreating into the jungles of an Asian country, is captured by a native tribe who hold him captive, force him into slave labor, and eventually accept him when he marries the chief's daughter. Throughout the whole film, I never felt this was a horror film. It was more reminiscent of a drama, like A MAN CALLED HOR... (展开全部) A photographer accidentally kills a man in self-defense and while retreating into the jungles of an Asian country, is captured by a native tribe who hold him captive, force him into slave labor, and eventually accept him when he marries the chief's daughter. Throughout the whole film, I never felt this was a horror film. It was more reminiscent of a drama, like A MAN CALLED HORSE, which I liked better. Ivan Rassimov is pretty good as the photographer, but it is Me Me Lai as the chief's daughter who is memorable and great. I have always been a Me Me Lai fan ever since her breathtaking performance in JUNGLE HOLOCAUST and she is never given credit for her acting chops because she hardly speaks in her films. She is still very talented and charming. Lots of real animal mutilation is the one thing about DEEP RIVER that could make it a horror film, but even that doesn't execute well.